Shipping & Delivery Questions

How much is shipping?

How long will it take to get my package?

Do you ship internationally?

How quickly do you process and ship your orders?

How can I track my order?

Do International orders have to pay custom fees?

What happens if I refuse an order?

Ordering Questions

What payment methods are accepted?

Is buying on-line safe?

I tried to place an order, but my payment did not go through. However, I checked my credit card statement and I see a pending charge from the store. What happened?

I keep getting an error that says, “Zip code does not match billing address.” Why is that?

Can I change my order once it's placed?

I entered the wrong address! What can I do?


What is your return/exchange policy?

Where should I send back my items for a refund/exchange?

How long will the return/exchange process take?

Am I responsible for the return shipping fees?

I received the wrong/defective product?


How can I contact you?

I sent an email and haven't heard back?

I didn't receive my order, what can I do?


Do you have a sizing chart?