Illustration of a seed growing into a tree, representing Lucky 1's initiative to plant a tree for every order in partnership with One Tree Planted

Lucky 1 Takes a Big Step Towards a Greener Future: A Partnership with One Tree Planted

At Lucky 1, our commitment to sustainability and wellness is at the core of everything we do. We are dedicated to not only providing high-quality, eco-friendly products but also to making a meaningful impact on the planet. With this in mind, we are thrilled to announce our new partnership with One Tree Planted, a globally recognized charity that focuses on reforestation efforts. This collaboration aligns perfectly with our mission to promote a sustainable lifestyle, and we’re excited to involve our customers in this important initiative.

Through this partnership, Lucky 1 has committed to planting one tree for every order placed in the past month. This initiative allows us to give back to the planet in a tangible way, ensuring that our efforts extend beyond just offering sustainable products. By working with One Tree Planted, we’re able to directly contribute to reforestation projects that are crucial for combating climate change and restoring vital ecosystems. We believe that small actions can lead to big changes, and this partnership is a testament to our ongoing commitment to making a positive difference.


Celebrating Our Success: Hundreds of Trees Planted in Just One Month

We’re proud to share that, thanks to the support of our amazing customers, we’ve successfully planted hundreds of trees in just the first month of our partnership with One Tree Planted. Each order placed with Lucky 1 has translated into real, measurable impact on the environment. This success story is not just ours; it belongs to every customer who made a purchase and joined us in this mission to make the world a greener place.

The feedback we’ve received from our community has been incredibly encouraging. Many of you have expressed your excitement about being able to contribute to such a meaningful cause through your everyday purchases. This initiative has not only helped to spread awareness about the importance of reforestation but has also reinforced the idea that together, we can make a substantial difference. We are deeply grateful for your support and are inspired by the collective impact we’ve been able to achieve in such a short time.


Listening to Our Community: More Trees, More Impact

One of the most exciting aspects of our partnership with One Tree Planted has been the feedback from our customers. Many of you have reached out, asking how you can do even more to help the planet. We’ve heard you loud and clear, and we’re excited to introduce a new feature that allows you to add more trees to your order. This means that on top of the tree we already plant for each order, you now have the option to plant additional trees, multiplying the positive impact of your purchase.

This new feature is a direct response to the passion and enthusiasm our community has shown for making a difference. We understand that our customers are not just looking for high-quality, sustainable products—they want to be active participants in the movement toward a healthier planet. By giving you the option to plant more trees, we’re empowering you to take your commitment to sustainability even further. Every extra tree planted contributes to the fight against climate change and helps to restore ecosystems around the world.


Making It Easy to Contribute: How You Can Plant More Trees

We’ve made it incredibly simple for you to add more trees to your order. During the checkout process, you’ll now see an option to select the number of additional trees you’d like to plant. Whether you choose to add one tree or several, you’re making a significant contribution to global reforestation efforts. This flexibility allows you to decide exactly how much impact you want to make, ensuring that every purchase reflects your personal commitment to sustainability.

The process is seamless and transparent, with all donations going directly to One Tree Planted to support their global reforestation projects. By planting more trees, you’re not just helping the environment; you’re also supporting communities around the world that rely on healthy forests for their livelihoods. This is a powerful way to enhance the positive impact of your shopping experience with Lucky 1, and we’re thrilled to offer you this opportunity.


The Global Impact: Why Planting Trees Matters

Planting trees is one of the most effective ways to combat climate change, and the impact of reforestation extends far beyond just the trees themselves. Trees play a critical role in sequestering carbon, which helps to reduce the overall concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In addition, they provide essential habitats for countless species, support biodiversity, and help to stabilize soil and water resources. The benefits of reforestation are far-reaching, and by planting more trees, we’re contributing to a healthier, more resilient planet.

Our partnership with One Tree Planted is about more than just planting trees—it’s about making a lasting impact on the environment. By working together, we can help restore ecosystems that have been damaged by deforestation, improve air and water quality, and support the livelihoods of people who depend on forests for their well-being. Every tree planted is a step towards a more sustainable future, and we’re proud to be part of this global movement.


Join Us in Making a Difference: How You Can Get Involved

We’re excited to invite you to take an active role in our mission to make a difference. By adding more trees to your order, you’re not just shopping sustainably—you’re contributing to a global effort to protect and restore our planet. This is your chance to be part of something bigger, to help create a healthier, greener world for future generations. Together, we can amplify our impact and make a real difference in the fight against climate change.

As we continue to grow and evolve, we want to thank you for being an integral part of the Lucky 1 community. Your support and dedication to sustainability inspire us every day, and we’re committed to finding new ways to make a positive impact on the world. Let’s keep moving forward together—one tree at a time.